密爾瓦基公鹿(1) vs 邁阿密熱火(8)~~4:1
波士頓塞爾蒂克(2) vs 亞特蘭大老鷹(7)~~4:1
費城76人(3) vs 布魯克林籃網(6)~~4:3
克里夫蘭騎士(4) vs 紐約尼克(5)~~4:3
丹佛金塊(1) vs 明尼蘇達灰狼(8)~~4:1
曼斐斯灰熊(2) vs 洛杉磯湖人(7)~~2:4
沙加緬度國王(3) vs 金州勇士(6)~~2:4
鳳凰城太陽(4) vs 洛杉磯快艇(5)~~4:1
個人預測2組有翻盤機會~都落在西區,灰熊戰力受損恐怕難敵季莫拉尾盤的湖人;國王重回季後賽,但季後賽經驗明顯不足,如此勇士晉級勝算高一些作者: visit999 時間: 2023-4-16 06:54 AM
本帖最後由 visit999 於 2023-4-17 10:18 AM 編輯
Even thought the final champion is more likely to be the Eastern Conf. Champ (likely to be Bucks, Celtics or Sixers), the West Conf is all over the places. Lower seed teams may well beat higher seed teams in the West, due to their previous injury (Lakers, Warriors, Clippers, Suns) conditions that caused them lower seeds.
I agree that the odd for the Grizzlies-Lakers match-up is more or less even, though the current Los Vegas odds slightly favor the Grizzlies to win (only slightly). 作者: cb0607cb 時間: 2023-4-16 07:35 AM