In an effort to update some game server functionality and performance, we're releasing this update which will address the following:
* Prevention of server instabilities caused by ROE victim leaving a server prior to the ROE forgiveness timer expiring
* Additional server security enhancements
* Update of configuration file for suggested network configuration of servers based on number of players
As we move forward, further enhancements will be made as we continuously improve the America's Army 3 experience. Version update is now available through the Deploy Client or Steam, so launch your download client of choice and get America's Army 3 Version now!
* 預防「原諒其他玩家 ROE 的計時器」造成伺服器的不穩定性。
* 強化伺服器的安全性。
* 最佳化伺服器的網路設定參數,這些參數是基於玩家人數而進行調整的。
隨著我們向前行進,如同我們持續加強 AA3 經驗一般,將會變得更加堅強。各位可自 Deploy 客戶端與 Steam 更新,現在就立即下載吧!
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